One of my goals is to try foods that I don't like or that are new to me. This is really hard for me as I'm a self-confessed picky eater. I don't think I could be president of the picky eater club, but I certaintly could be a member in good standing. I

love certain fresh veggies but not a big fan of most cooked veggies. I think I've come to realize that it may be more about texture than taste. Here are a few things that I don't like (yes, there is a much longer yuck list than what I'm listing). To me they all have similar textures.
*Mashed Potatoes
*Peas (triple yuck on these)
*Beans (another tripe yuck)
*Mashed Squash
*Sweet Potatoes
*Fruit Smoothies
*Cooked Carrots
*Pureed Soups (soups in general, remember not a big fan of cooked veggies)
Most of these things are on my new diet and I really do want to learn a new way of eating. The new me will not turn her nose up at new stuff and things that I thought I didn't like. I will plug my nose, put it in my mouth and give it the old college try to make it go down as I promised myself.
Stats: 232.6 pounds (7.6 pounds lost)
232.8 pounds
235 pounds
238.6 pounds
240.2 pounds
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