Three weeks ago I started getting up at 5 o'clock a.m. to go out jogging or walking. I started this after almost a week of using excuses why I couldn't exercise that day. What I came to realize was, after watching four kids all day, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, and cleaning up from dinner, when it came time to exercise I was to pooped to participate. I'm not as young as I used to be. Whose leg am I trying to pull? Like I ever exercised even when I was younger! I knew that to start doing something different, or I was going to slip back to that sedentary lifestyle that I had become accustom to. I opted to get up a 5 and get it done first thing in the morning. Now before you think, "Wow, that's great for you, but I could never get up that early just to exercise", you would be wrong. We all make choices, good or bad. I have made the choice to get up early. I want more than anything, to be a thinner more healthy me and that's not going to happen if I don't exercise. It was really difficult at first, but it's starting to be a habit now. Turning off my alarm and staying in bed for 10 more minutes is not an option for me. The alarm goes off at 5, and I'm dressed & have my flashing arm band on (it's still pretty dark at that time) and out the door by 5:05. I finish my jog, have a shower, eat breakfast and then I'm ready for the babies to come. The surprising thing is I have more energy than I've ever had by starting my day out with a jog.
I think what I'm saying is if it's important to you, you will find a time that works best for you. If you put it off exercising until everything you need to do is done, chances are you aren't going to exercise. Take the time, get it done, and you will be ready to take on the day. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and may even feel like you can stick to your diet better.
Today's Recipe: "
Grilled Chicken with Spinach & Roasted Red Peppers" This recipe is out of the world good. 236 Calories
Stats: 183.2 (57 pounds lost)
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178. 4 pounds
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188 Pounds
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One more thing I have never done, that you are in a way "challenging me to do as well! Mike usually leaves by 530, so I have plenty of time to get a jog in before he leaves in the morning! Great job Barb!