1. A 10 day vacation
2. Easter
3. My Birthday
4. My nephew passed away
5. Two Birthday Parties
6. Two baby showers
7. Sick
8. Mother's Day (2 different celebrations)
9. My son's birthday
10. My son came home for a week long visit.
I really need to work at having a different mindset when it comes to celebrations and or stressful situations. I used each and everyone of those events as an excuse to eat what I wanted and not to exercise. My entire life is going to be filled with all kinds of events. Now the question is, "How do I do this"? Do any of you have some suggestions that really helps you? I know planning is the key to success, but planning and following through are two different things. I will be going for my first camping trip this next weekend and I'm bound and determine to eat healthy and exercise.
After I went for my 5 1/2 mile walk today, I decide to add up all the miles I've walk since February 18th.
Let me hear the drum roll: 222 miles.
Todays Recipe: Oven Baked Chimichanga I love mexican food, but eat it often because it's so high in fat & calories. This one is much healthier and tastes wonderful. It is 376 calories, which really is good for Mexican Food.
Stats: 190 pounds (50.2 pounds lost)
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