We sometimes camp at this one campground that has a lot of people who ride golf carts around. It is a large campground, so I'm sure that is why so many people bring them. Any time I've camped there before when a security guard or older men saw me walking they would offer me a ride to wherever I was going. I often took them up on it because my fat old body would get to tired to walk very far. I always just thought it was because the security guards did that for everyone and the older men were just being gentlemen. I now know different. We camped there this past week. I either walked 6 miles or jogged 4 miles a day. When I was done, I would walk up to the indoor pool and do laps for an hour. Not once was I offered a ride. Just so you know, I would have not accepted any rides this year because I now know that exercise if my friend and not my enemy. I started to wonder why I no longer was asked if I needed a ride. I realized, that it was my weight. These people saw this lady who was 100+ pounds overweight, struggling to walk, and must have known that I was in need of a ride. They probably thought they were saving me from a heart attack. Then I started to pay even more attention and sure enough they would stop and offer extremely overweight people rides. Do you have any idea how it makes me feel that I'm no longer in the "offer a fat person a ride program"?
Today's Recipe: "
Tilapia Taco's with a Cucumber Sauce" 280 calories of yumminess.
Stats: 174.2 pounds (66 pounds lost)
176 pounds
178 pounds
183 pounds
183.2 pounds
184 pounds
184.8 pounds
185 pounds
188 pounds
190 pounds
192 pounds
193.6 pounds
178. 4 pounds
180 pounds
181.2 pounds
185 pounds
186 pounds
186.2 pounds
188 Pounds
192 pounds
189.4 pounds
188.4 pounds
190.2 pounds
193.6 pounds
194.0 pounds
195.8 pounds
196.2 pounds
198.4 pounds
199 pounds
199.2 pounds
199.8 pounds
204.8 pounds
205.6 pounds
207.8 pounds
212.4 pounds
214 pounds
214.2 pounds
218.2 pounds
222.4 pounds
226.4 pounds
227.4 pounds
227.8 pounds
229.4 pounds
229.6 pounds
231.2 pounds
232.4 pounds
232.4 pounds
232.8 pounds
235 pounds
238.6 pounds
240.2 pounds
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